50 Years of NHK Television

Men and Women of Character

NHK's Morning Drama serials are a national institution. The first, Daughter and I, began in 1961 and the current series, Kokoro, is the 68th. Audience ratings first took off in a big way with Ohanahan, and reached a peak with Oshin. Focusing on the lives of women, these programs maintain their popularity even today.

TV drama serials: a paean to contemporary women of courage

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NHK's first Morning Drama serial, Daughter and I (created by Shishi Bunroku), began in April 1961 and ran for a year. Each episode lasted 20 minutes and went out Monday to Friday at 8:40 a.m. From the second serial, Tomorrow's Wind, the running time was changed to fifteen minutes, aired from 8:15 a.m., Monday to Saturday. This time slot continues to the present day. At first, only about 1.5% of women in their 30's watched television in the morning, but this grew to 20% by 1965 and 26.2% by 1970. The morning dramas clearly contributed to a major shift in morning viewing habits.
The breakthrough in breakfast-time viewing patterns took place with the sixth serial, Ohanahan, in which the actress Kashiyama Fumie played an enchanting character who became something of a national favorite. Audience share exceeded 50% from the start, while the annual average reached a record 45.8%. The morning dramas became an almost infallible gateway to success for aspiring actresses, such as Hiiro Tomoe (Tabiji), Fujita Yumiko (Tomorrow Comes), and Otani Naoko (Nobuko and Grandma). Some of the serials were adapted from popular novels, but original creations by invited screenwriters were increasingly used. The themes were often biographical, focusing on women who had opened a path for themselves through effort and determination in circumstances that reflected the social conditions of the period in which the story was set. Since the eighth serial, Tomorrow Comes, broadcasts have been in color. Since the 15th serial, Light Blue Time, each drama has run for six months. They have been produced in Tokyo and Osaka alternately.


The Oshin effect
In her hometown in Yamagata, "Oshin rice confectionery" and "Oshin sake" were sold as souvenirs. A cruise down the Mogami River, which used to be called the "Basho Line," was renamed "Oshin Line." Oshin also appeared in animated cartoons, comic books, theater, and even a song. Politicians spoke of "an economy based on Oshin's philosophy" and the "Oshin Diet." Prominent economists said "a philosophy of perseverance like Oshin's is needed in this era." And in sumo wrestling, the expression "Oshin Yokozuna" was coined. In each case, the name was used to signify perseverance.
An illustration of Japan in the days before economic success, Oshin has been broadcast in 59 countries and regions, creating a sensation everywhere.


  The most successful morning drama of all was the 31st serial, Oshin, which began in April 1983. Viewers were immediately captivated by the poignant story line and the convincing performance of the lead actress, Kobayashi Ayako, who played the protagonist as a child. Later, as Oshin grew up and matured, she was portrayed by Tanaka Yuko and finally by Otowa Nobuko. The top audience share for an individual episode was 62.9%, and the annual average was 52.6%. The story depicts a girl, Oshin, born into a poor family, who overcomes various challenges with an indomitable spirit and hard work, and finally achieves success as the owner of a supermarket. The story made a powerful impact on viewers of every age group, touching the hearts of many.
Kokoro, launched in the first half of 2003, is the 68th serial. Over the years, numerous female protagonists with unique, individual characters have been featured. Many different walks of life have also been represented: a pilot in Carpet of Clouds, a comic book writer in Sister Ma, Japan's first pop star in First Evening Star, a pioneering female journalist in Hanekonma, a staff member at a stable for sumo wrestlers in Hirari, an American citizen in Sakura, and an aspiring astronaut in Manten.




Morning Drama Serials

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