50 Years of NHK Television

Accuracy and Reliability

The ultimate goal: to serve the world

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A truly public service
Modern telecommunications networks are helping to bring societies throughout the world closer together than ever before. Electronic media, especially television, have become essential tools in our lives, supporting a wide range of activities through the transmission of information.
NHK is a public broadcaster sponsored by the public in the form of receiving fees. Therefore, as the broadcaster of and for the people, it is NHK's duty to transmit reliable and valuable information to the public in an accessible and people-friendly way—anywhere and at any time.

Supporting democracy
The work of the media makes an important contribution to the lives of individuals, to political and economic activities, and to society and culture in general.
The free exchange of news and audio-visual materials on the basis of sound journalism is a key feature of a democratic society, and as much a part of life as the air we breathe. It is a lifeline that underpins the modern democratic lifestyle.


Striving for accuracy
The events of 9/11 in the United States have deepened a sense of uncertainty in modern societies. There is global concern over our political, economic, social and cultural future. Japan itself has still to find a way out of its current economic crisis.
As such, the provision of accurate and reliable information has become more important than ever before.

Dependable in an emergency
Japan is susceptible to typhoons, earthquakes and other natural disasters that threaten human life. NHK's mission is to help protect lives and property through broadcasting. NHK is determined to be a dependable broadcaster in any future emergency.


Obtaining external information
Before the age of broadcasting, it was difficult or impossible for people to secure information about the world beyond the area where they lived. Two key inventions since the 19th century, first the telephone and then television, have completely changed that situation. Today it is possible to see and hear what is happening even in places that are far away.
Mankind has always had the dream not only of recording what goes on in the real world, but also of creating new worlds by rearranging pictures and sounds into symbols and stories. The information media offer new ways to realize that dream, and are steadily creating a rich audio-visual culture.

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