Finalists in the Audiovisual Division
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Creative Frontier
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Proposal Division Finalists
Proposal Division
Title Target Entering Organization Country/Region
Iris Children El Perro en la Luna Argentina
Imagine being the size of an electron... The “quantics”, a group of fun microscopic beings, live in a small but extraordinary world called Iris. Let’s follow their crazy, mind-bending, adventures.
Lily Adults Sound Pictures Bhutan
Lily Wangchuk has chosen to run for elections. How will she convince people to embrace a woman as one of their leaders in a very young democracy dominated by men?
Little Farmers Children The Creative Production & Training Centre Jamaica
Little Farmers is a 24 minutes feature following three kids ages 6-8 years as they go on different explorations where they learn about different topics related to agriculture.
Life Teens Vientos Culturales A.C. Mexico
A documentary film oriented to stop suicides among young indigenous people, documenting a community initiative of artistic creation that evidences the causes of suicides and promotes resilience.
Revolution in the desert Adults "Buren Zohist" production Mongolia
A local South Gobi woman leads a toilet revolution against the dump truck drivers that have been inadvertently polluting her homeland for the last 15 years.