

  1. NHK新潟
  2. にいがたWEBリポート
  3. いざ地震どうする?覚え方はドロップ・カバー・ホールドオン


Today’s topic is “What should you do in an earthquake?” Remember to “Drop! Cover! Hold on!” when the ground starts shaking. ちょこっと防災そなえドキ NHKニュース・防災 BOSAI
  • 2024年03月20日

今回は「いざ地震 どうする?」です。(動画2分45秒)

This is part of a series of useful tips for when disaster strikes.
Today’s topic is “What should you do in an earthquake?”


What should you do when an earthquake alert sounds or the ground starts to shake?
Above all else, stay calm and protect yourself.
Then move to as safe a place as you can.
We recommend memorizing this technique from the US.

「Hold on(ホールド・オン/動かない)」


“Drop! Cover! Hold on!”
It’s so simple, anyone can remember it. Let’s go over each step in detail.



First, “drop” to your hands and knees to keep from falling over.



Next, “cover” your head, neck and abdomen, and watch out for falling objects.
This is called the “turtle pose.”


Get under a nearby table or other sturdy furniture. 
Stay down and hold on to opposing legs.
This keeps the furniture from moving.


A helmet is best if there’s no furniture, but covering your head and neck with a cushion or pillow will do.
Stay in the turtle pose to protect your abdomen.
You won’t be able to evacuate if your head or abdomen are injured.
When going to work or school you can use a bag or backpack.

Hold on(ホールド・オン/動かない)


Finally, “hold on” in place until the shaking stops.
Think about what you’ll do next while you wait.
If the shaking is strong and lasts over ten seconds, you’ll need to worry about the risk of a tsunami.
Get mentally ready to evacuate immediately to higher ground.

「Hold on(ホールド・オン/じっと待つ」 


Today you learned how to try to protect yourself from earthquakes.
Remember to “Drop! Cover! Hold on!” when the ground starts shaking.
Start preparing today! Even the littlest thing could save your life.

When the Ground Starts to Shake

This is part of a series of useful tips for when disaster strikes.
Today’s topic is “What should you do in an earthquake?”

What should you do when an earthquake alert sounds or the ground starts to shake?
Above all else, stay calm and protect yourself.
Then move to as safe a place as you can.
We recommend memorizing this technique from the US. 

“Drop! Cover! Hold on!”

It’s so simple, anyone can remember it.
Let’s go over each step in detail.

First, “drop” to your hands and knees to keep from falling over.
Next, “cover” your head, neck and abdomen, and watch out for falling objects.
This is called the “turtle pose.”
Get under a nearby table or other sturdy furniture.
Stay down and hold on to opposing legs.
This keeps the furniture from moving.
A helmet is best if there’s no furniture, but covering your head and neck with a cushion or pillow will do.
Stay in the turtle pose to protect your abdomen.
You won’t be able to evacuate if your head or abdomen are injured.
When going to work or school you can use a bag or backpack.
Adults should shield children with their bodies.
Finally, “hold on” in place until the shaking stops.
Think about what you’ll do next while you wait.
If the shaking is strong and lasts over ten seconds, you’ll need to worry about the risk of a tsunami.
Get mentally ready to evacuate immediately to higher ground.

Today you learned how to try to protect yourself from earthquakes.
Remember to “Drop! Cover! Hold on!” when the ground starts shaking.
Start preparing today! Even the littlest thing could save your life.



  • 狩野史長

    新潟放送局アナウンサー 防災士


