50 Years of NHK Television

Before TV - and After

What has TV added? What has it changed?

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Exploring a new realm
Television broadcasting commenced in Japan on February 1, 1953. Before that, there were few opportunities to watch moving images of distant events. In due course, especially with the development of satellite transmission technologies, television made it possible to view events even on the far side of the world. TV has thus become a window on society and the planet, enabling mankind to step beyond the limited world of our immediate surroundings and enter a greater physical and mental space.

An indispensable medium
Television's capacity to offer simultaneous viewing around the world has begun to reach beyond merely transmitting information to bring about changes in consciousness, lifestyle, politics, the economy, and social structures. Television has become essential both to society and to the individual, ushering in a new phase of cultural development.


Changing reality
The moment when man first set foot on the moon in 1969 was shared globally through TV. Within a few years, it had become normal for people to experience historic events around the world at the same time. Global society and culture stood on the threshold of a new reality.

Presentation to imagination
Following the development of television, viewers soon wanted to watch more than simply a relay of events as they happened. People have a natural desire to enjoy imaginative representation that goes beyond what the real world offers. Many image-based cultural forms have therefore found expression and realization through the power of television.

The transmission of dreams
Today we are moving towards a real-time electronic society in which television broadcasts support our lifestyle and culture. Through its ability to show things as they are, and also to transcend reality and express our dreams, TV is carrying us forward into unexplored territory.

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