The Best Work in the Pre-school Category < The Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Prize >

JAPAN PRIZE 2018 Prize Winners

The Best Work in the Pre-school Category
< The Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Prize >
Preschool Docs
Giulia and Sophie go to swim class
Entering Organization KRO-NCRV
Country/Region The Netherlands
Media TV
(By Kez Margrie)
We had many discussions about what our role as educators and storytellers should be in 2018 and felt that at a time when prejudice and hatred seem to be on the rise all over the world, never has it been more important to help young children understand the importance of kindness and acceptance. Two Runners-up as well as the winner did this so well. We chose Preschool docs as the winner in this Pre-school Category because it was such a beautifully told story at just the right pace for the youngest of viewers as they are taken by the hand and invited into the world of the twins Guilia and Sophie. The clever use of audio as Guilia enters the pool without her hearing aids, and the camera always at the twins’ level kept them right at the centre of their story. For just those few minutes we were their friends. This was a deceptively simple piece that won our hearts and gave us hope that children’s media just maybe, still has the power to change the world!
(By Gerdie Snellers)
As editor in chief of Giulia and Sophie go to swim class I am very honoured that this pre-school production has won this prestigious award. For us, as public broadcasters in the Netherlands, it is very important to show you how inspiring, how difficult sometimes, but especially how different the lives of pre-schoolers can be; pre-schoolers with and without disabilities. The deaf Giulia and Sophie (6 years old) have been a great source of inspiration for the director. They have enjoyed the recordings and they are very proud that they have won this special prize.

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