Title American Experience: Freedom Riders
Country United States
Organization WGBH Educational Foundation (PBS)

In the American South during the early 1960s, racial segregation laws separated whites from blacks in buses, public offices, restaurants, and countless other settings. On several occasions, the Supreme Court had ruled such laws unconstitutional, but the situation in the South had yet to improve. In May 1961, twelve black and white youths seeking to end racial discrimination boarded a long-distance bus headed for the South. People called them the Freedom Riders. However, they faced numerous obstacles, including attacks from white supremacists and arrests by local police for violating state laws. This program takes a new look at these young people, whose actions helped spur the American civil rights movement.

The journey of telling the story of the historic Freedom Rides and bringing it to audiences worldwide has been deeply rewarding, personally and professionally.
The dramatic story of the hundreds of black and white young people who put their lives on the line to dismantle segregation was a story that begged to be told. It is more than a gripping narrative; it is a lesson in the power of unified and disciplined non-violent activism. The bold move of a few often challenges the rest of us to find courage within our own hearts.
Ultimately, this is why we at Firelight Films tell stories. Our hope is that these films will move audiences emotionally, and that that emotion will spur people to reconsider their lives and the world around them.
We appreciate receiving the JAPAN PRIZE. We accept in honor of the Freedom Riders as we are deeply indebted to them for making our lives better.
(Stanley Nelson)

Around the world, today’s youth is mobilizing to bring about change, be it during the Arab Spring, environmental activism or, more recently, with Occupy Wall Street. 
American Experience: Freedom Riders takes us on a dramatic and emotional journey and challenges our preconceived notions of the civil rights movement and the historical events of 1961. With a rich collection of images and interviews, thoroughly researched and brilliantly crafted, the producers weave a masterful tapestry to tell this complex story in a dramatic and compelling manner. The jury was captivated by this film which touches a deep emotional cord and reminds us of the importance of justice and equality. To quote the director, “great change can come from a few small steps taken by courageous people.”
This brilliant film, which highlights the students’ commitment to non-violent activism, will be an inspiration to youth everywhere.