JAPAN PRIZE 2006 : Program Details

List of Entry
Program Division  /  Youth Education
The Minister of  Foreign Affairs Prize
Program Title:Fantastuc phenomena: Supereyes
Seeing is one of evolution’s greatest achievements, made possible through high-tech instruments built by nature – eyes. All living beings are continuously subjected to environmental stimuli. Human beings and other creatures process this information first and foremost through vision. Then how does a creature visualize and recognize the outside world? This program beautifully and powerfully uses close-ups to show the amazing “technology” inside the eyes of various animals and insects and explains the structure and mechanism of eyesight using sophisticated computer graphics. The program also explains the eyes of creatures that have developed eyes best suited to their needs by using examples of birds and flies and by comparing them to the human eye. For example, the eyes of a fly can clearly follow the movement of a fly swatter.In addition, this 15 minute, compact program well describes the characteristics of eyes of other creatures that have eyes we are not even aware of, such as earthworms, termites and shellfish.
Jury Comment
A program explaining the mechanics of vision and the construction of the eye would normally be enough to make science students drowsy, but Fantastic Phenomena: Supereyes is a rare and special program. In the space of but fifteen minutes it captures the attention and imagination of viewers in a nearly perfect combination of live action and computer generated graphics.
Covering vision for humans and animals, the program makes a complex topic easy to understand, without compromising on the details. It then goes beyond understanding, leading viewers to a heightened appreciation of the amazing, almost magical beauty and elegance of how we are able to perceive the world through sight. Fantastic Phenomena: Supereyes does all this with just the right amount of humor and surprise to keep young people actively engaged. The program provides science teachers and students with a powerful tool for learning, and is a feast for the eyes and the minds of viewers everywhere.
Producer's Comment
Dirk Neumann

When we found out that Supereyes had been chosen for the award, we just couldn't believe our luck. The Japan Prize is the most prestigious award in the education television industry and we felt extremely honored. The awards ceremony, the reception and meeting the Crown Prince were unforgettable experiences. All this was made possible through the hard work that everybody at SWR and Nautilusfilm put into this film. Head producer Juergen Bundy had the vision to try a new animal-oriented approach, and Jan Haft and his team at Nautilusfilm beautifully captured the images we had dreamed up. I believe the success of "Supereyes" is based on the fact that we first and foremost wanted to entertain and create a sense of awe for the natural wonders related to eyes and vision. Packaged within this, we also delivered a learning experience of many interesting facts and details. The idea for the most "controversial" part of the film - a real cow's eye being dissected - goes back to my own high school experience. Even though, as a 17-year-old, I found it yucky to cut the eye, this exercise made me truly understand how an eye functions, and I have never forgotten it since. So thank you to my teacher Mrs. Nickel - I really did learn something in your class!