Past Prize-Winning Programs
The Maeda Prize
(An excellent program which demonstrates originality through its content, direction and/or viewpoint.)
"OUR HEALTH: Chhaupari - Episode 26 "

Entered by Nepal Television Corporation (NTV)
Category: Adult Education

"Our Health" is a weekly series which aims to educate the public on health issues. This episode looks at connections between health and culture as reflected in the traditional practice of Chhaupari. Tradition in the villages of far western Nepal says that menstruating women become untouchable. For 5 to 7 days each month, menstruating women are confined to narrow, doorless huts and banned from contact with other villagers, animals, plants and even community water sources. Mothers must keep nursing children with them, while their other children may suffer from neglect and malnutrition. A female gynecologist explains the facts of menstruation in an attempt to remove these superstitions as Nepal moves into the 21st century. The technical quality of the program was good and the pace kept the viewer's interest while interviews and shots of working women elicited and sympathy. This program should be effective both in influencing Nepalese culture and in improving the situation of women in Nepalese society.