Past Prize-Winning Programs
The Japan Foundation President's Prize
(An excellent program which contributes to mutual understanding between nations and races and cultural exchange.)
"About a Bad Dream"

Entered by CT-Czech Television
Category: Issues in Education

Eva was a little Jewish girl enjoying her childhood in Prague when World War II began. She watched the rights of Jews gradually being taken away until her family was forced to move to a ghetto and finally to a concentration camp. Her father was probably killed in the camp; her mother died on a final death march near the end of the war. Eva managed to escape by falling asleep under a pile of hay. She survived alone for many days through sheer willpower and eventually was found by a Czech family who dared to hide her until the end of the war. This moving story is based on a novel written by Eva many years later to preserve her experiences for future generations. It is illustrated with dramatizations, archives materials, photos, drawings, simple animation and straightforward narration. The combination of these different elements recreates the essential nature of Holocaust and its true meaning.