Past Prize-Winning Programs
The Japan Foundation President's Prize
(The program judged to contribute most to the promotion of understanding of cultures of other countries and/or races and to enhance the cooperative existence of all)
Bronwen & Yaffa

Entered by National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Category: Secondary Education
Duration: 27 min. 16 sec.
This is a documentary program about two young women, a Jewish American named Yaffa and an African American named Bronwen, who have both experienced racism and fight against it.

They hold a rock concert and organize other activities in order to promote anti-racism. After several meetings with the women, a young man who belongs to the KKK attends one of their events and begins to open up to them. Finally, at the show he finds the courage to confess his own past racist activities and expresses regret about them.

The program "provides a vivid depiction of two unique young women who do not follow stereotypes, and the former KKK member adds to the dramatic development." "The confession of the boy at the end is very moving, and his bravery gives the program depth which far exceeds any format which simply appeals against racism from the point of authority." These comments reflect the admiration of the jury.