“E-Tele” - NHK Educational TV: Looking Toward the Next Half Century

From the Public Opinion Survey on Educational TV, January 2010

June 2010

The NHK Educational TV (ETV), which celebrated its 50th anniversary of broadcasting on January 10, 2009, aired various special programs an  memorable programs including the “Adventures in Learning” campaign. To grasp the effects of these broadcasts as well as viewers’ current interest and expectations, the author conducted public opinion surveys in November 2008, just before the anniversary, and January 2010. This is the report of the results of them

As for the image of ETV channel, the most cited remarks were “clear target audience of each program, such as children and housewives” (37%) and “rich in useful information” (30%). By age and gender, “clear target audience” was cited by many of those aged 16 to 29 and women in their 40s or under, and “rich in useful information” was cited by a large portion of women in their 50s.

When asked to what extent ETV had been useful for enriching their lives or culture, 11% said “very useful” and 51% said “somewhat useful.” Combining them, 62% regarded ETV as “useful.” Time series comparison using survey results since 1994 shows that respondents regarding ETV as “useful” had been on a decline for a while but bottomed out in 2006 and has been increasing since then. When asked what types of programs they want to watch on ETV, the highest percentage of respondents (29%) cited “programs related to hobbies and recreation.”

The NHK Monthly Report on Broadcast Research